Tribute from a professional colleague

Created by Douglas 3 years ago

David was not only an internationally recognised scientist with busy laboratories to run. He also had a variety of pivotal national roles over the years, reflecting his broad interest and dedication towards both the science and the professionals working within it.  I recognised the extent of his national responsibilities when I succeeded him as the representative for our professional body on the Committee of the Chief Scientist at the Department of Health and also as National Assessor for the appointment and grading of all scientists within the UK Blood Services. He became Editor of Transfusion Medicine, where as an Associate Editor, I valued his hard work and critical mind.

I observed the encouragement and support David gave to many young scientists. Despite multiple service reorganisations he helped develop pathways within which able scientists could achieve career progression in a medical world. There are many who have reason to be grateful to him.

I knew David and observed his career and achievements for more than 40 years. He was an honest and gentle man. I enjoyed his company and scientific dialogue. It is with great sadness that I write these few words.

Douglas Voak